Branch Apiary Update by Dave Bonner

What a difference a week makes.

Just over a week ago I went to check the bees.  The bees were fine, there was snow on the ground. A couple of hives needed some fondant.

I also found that one of the new Crab Apple trees (John Downie) had been eaten by the local wildlife, the tree guard had not been long enough and they could reach the growing points.  If the roots still take it would be a nice shrub shape – I will get a replacement.

– poor tree

Then the car got stuck in the snow as I drove up the hill/incline towards the entrance gate ☹  I managed to reverse back and found a longer and flatter route back to the gate.

Today I went to the site to check it out.

The daffs are growing well:

You can see the line of the Daffs running along the fence.

No sign of any Crocus ☹

The land drain was flowing well:

The bees were all OK – in fact one hive was a bit defensive and did not like being disturbed when I put more fondant on the hive.

I replaced the ‘eaten’ John Downie crab apple with another one – this time making sure the tree guard was well in place.

I planted a Wyken Pippin that had been delivered.  It was bare rooted and had to be put into the ground.  When the Lord Mayor comes to open the site it will have to be a ceremonially planting – unless we dig up the tree and do it again.

The Wyken Pippin.

Now there are the 4 trees in place.

from front to back – Wyken Pippin, Celeste Cherry, John Downie Crab Apple and Golden Hornet Crab Apple

Plus the two willows and the small leafed Lime tree “Winter Orange” which have been planted.

It is looking good.

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